Court decisions

Here we present you with some of the court rulings which we consider to be of notable legal significance, and which resulted from cases in which Pavlok provided representionbefore the Court in question :


Ruling of the Constitutional Court

Kubešová and Kvapilová vs. the Land Fund of the Czech Republic

In this case the Constitutional Court ruled that persons having the right to land restitution, and to whom a compensatory lot has not been awarded, can make a legal claim for such before the Court.


Supreme Court of the Czech Republic Ruling

CBE vs. Schwarzenberg

In this decision the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic stated the detailed conditions under which it is possible a for a court of law to establish easement of access passage across a neighbouring plot of land.


Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic

Gotteleová vs. The City of Černošice

In this judgement the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic issued the unequivocal ruling that the City is obligated to provide a copy of City Council proceedings upon request.